Thursday, November 09, 2006

Brace yourself...

... or, every mouth has a silver lining :)

Things have been pretty quiet on the on the home front. I've felt a bit achy for the past 2 days. Hopefully, it won't develop into something worse. Tomorrow, Thursday, is my late day. My last class is over at 4:45pm. The girls take the bus up to my campus, then the kids go out for pizza. We grocery shop and hopefully get home by 7:30p.m. I'm going to try and shop and then get to work earlier tomorrow so we can head home sooner.

I've been hard at work on the variegated orange (yes it is orange) sweater that I started sometime in September. It is worked in one piece from the bottom up. The sleeve are the last thing to knit to finish the sweater. Well, first of all there was a mistake in the pattern. I called the company and they gave me the "corrected" directions. Needless to say, I was almost done when I decided to try it on and, lo and behold, the sleeves were too tight! So, after deciding that I was absolutely not going to wear it as it was, I went ahead and frogged it (frogged means to unravel. It is called that because a frog makes a sound like rip-it, rip-it). Well, I readjusted the pattern and I decided that this sweater is my buddy, it goes everywhere with me. I'm knitting it constantly. Hopefully by next week I'll be able to finish it.

Eli is dealing well with her new braces. She got them last Friday and has been somewhat sore. She is very good about eating things properly and not biting into food. Tonight she took the crust off her deli sandwich and then cut it up into little pieces and ate it with a fork.

Eli has a pretty high pain tolerance (she gets most fillings without Novocaine!). So after listening to Eli's comments about her soreness, Ruch has decided that she absolutely doesn't want braces anymore. It will definitely be interesting to watch the orthodontist "wrastle" her into them. Somebody is going to need a vacation when that happens. By the way, don't Ruch's new glasses look great on her!


Anonymous said...

Whos paying for all this construction. If you need a permit for this construction I am able to expidite one free of charge...though the charge of construction will be pretty high... :)

Anonymous said...

I love you MOM....MWA!!!

Anonymous said...

And please put picks of me too.... :)...and recipe please.