Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Can-do attitude

I always enjoy learning, especially how to do new things.This week I added canning to my repertoire of things I have tried. Sunday morning began with a marathon cooking session at a friend's house making esrog compote. I collected esrogim and have been soaking them (changing the water every night) for 2 weeks. I felt like I have 3 pets in the house...

Jake, Blue
and the estrogim (off which I neglected to take a picure).

So Sunday morning I headed out with 14 esrogim and 21 quince apples and 5 lbs of sugar.

At 2pm, I returned with 1/2 of the booty (3 jars are for a Tu B'Shvat treat for school), 2 large and several small jars of compote. The actual cooking and canning took about 2 hours. The longest part was getting the seeds out of the estrogim. Each one must have have 20+ little seeds. It took over 2-1/2 hours just to do that. Next time, I'll prepare the estrogim the night before. I'yh we'll get our first taste this weekend. I'll save a large jar for Tu B'Shvat. It was my first experience canning. It really gave me an appreciation for what our ancestors had to do to put food away for the winter

I didn't get any knitting done this week yet because of Rosh Chodesh. I didn't manage to finish one fingerless glove Sunday while waiting for the compote to cook. The other will have to wait till next week. It has gotten colder here. There was ice on the windshield this morning. I think it's time to clean out the garage and see if the cars will fit.

Even though it isn't Thanksgiving in Canada this weekend, we are benefiting by having several guests.

One score and one year ago...

Lastly, a happy birthday to Deens...


Anonymous said...

very nice extravaganza

judypolster said...

please post an engagement photograph of chana and akiva? and in future a wedding photo of course!