Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Chanukah 5767

Chanukah was a whirlwind of activity. Yerucham and Yishai spend the first Shabbos of Chanukah with us in Toronto.

Thursday, we headed to NYC. We lit candles with Lee, Barb and family. Then we all headed out to the ice cream store.

On Friday, we visited Temima at work.

Shabbos was spent relaxing with the grandkids.

We arrived home early Monday morning and were welcomed by a silent fish, one lonely, meowing cat, a warm house. It's cold here, but no snow as of yet.

1 comment:

Varda Gewirtz said...

Hi SuAnn. What kind of work is Temima doing with the sheep? And did you notice Rachel when she saw you and Isser in New York at a restaurant with Chana? Beautiful picture of Isser with the girls! Wish you continued nachas from all.